What is The Benefit of SEO What is SEO And How to do SEO

What is The Benefit of SEO

What is The Benefit of SEO: SEO is very important for a blog, because it helps in ranking your article in search engines. To get your article in Search Engine Result Page (SERP), you have to optimize it according to the search engine, this process is called SEO. If you want to know what is SEO, how it is done, then read this article till the end, to get the complete knowledge about SEO and how its done.

What is SEO?

The full form of SEO is Search Engine Optimization. With its help, you can optimize your blog’s article according to the search engine, which improves the rank of your article in the search engine and increases the traffic on your blog.

Organic Vs Inorganic Traffic

By optimizing your blog according to search engines, you can improve the rank of your blog in search results. The traffic coming from this is called Organic Traffic. Whereas the traffic generated by running Ads Compaign and showing your website on the top of search results is called Inorganic Traffic.

Organic traffic is the best traffic for improvement of a website.

Types of SEO and What is The Benefit of SEO

There are mainly two types of SEO: 1. On Page SEO 2. Off Page SEO

On Page SEO

Whatever we do inside our blog for SEO comes under On Page SEO. This mainly includes writing SEO friendly articles, using correct Meta Title, Meta Description, Tags etc. Through this we can increase the organic traffic of our blog.

Some main techniques for On Page SEO are given below.

  1. Loading Time

If your blog takes too much time to load then no user will like to stay on your blog, so pay attention to reducing the loading time of your blog.

  1. Keyword Research

It is very important to do Keyword Research before writing a blog article because through this you can find out which keywords people search more and which keywords have less competition. It is always beneficial to write articles on those keywords on which Search Volume is high and Keyword Difficulty is less.

  1. Image Optimization

Before uploading the image, compress the image, reduce the size of the image and use Alt tag in the image of the article. This indicates to Google, which article the image you are using is related to.

  1. Website Navigation

Keep your website navigation in such a way that the user can easily move from one page to another.

  1. Meta Title & Meta Description

The Meta Title of the article should be kept between 60 to 65 characters and the Meta Description should be kept between 160 to 165 characters. Make sure to use Focus Keyword in Meta Title and Meta Description. If possible, use Focus Keyword at the beginning of Meta Title and Meta Description only.

  1. Post URL or Slug Name

Keep the URL or Slug Name of your article as simple and short as possible. Never keep the URL of the article in Hindi, even for Hindi blogs, always keep the URL of the articles in English. Include Focus Keyword in the URL of your article.

  1. Internal Linking

You can link one article to another article through Internal Linking. If any article of your blog is getting good traffic, then you can put a link to another article on that article, due to which other articles also start getting good traffic.

  1. External Linking

External Linking is also helpful in increasing the rank of a blog. We should always give external links to higher authority blogs than ourselves, this increases Google’s trust on that high authority blog as well as your blog. Use external linking only if it is very necessary and do not give too many external linking in a single page.

  1. Heading Tags

Pay special attention to the heading in your article. The title of the article should always be kept in H1 tag, after that H2, H3, H4 tags can be used for subheading.

  1. Focus Keyword

You should use LSI Keyword for your article. Make the Focus Keyword bold so that Google and visitors can know that this is the main keyword of your article.

Off Page SEO

Whatever we do for SEO outside our blog is called Off Page SEO. In this mainly you have to share your blog on social media sites and create backlinks on other popular websites. This increases the authority of your blog, due to which your blog gets a good rank in search engines.

Some main Off Page SEO Techniques are given below.

  1. Search Engine Submission

After creating a blog, first of all submit your blog to the search engine, so that the articles of your blog get indexed in the search engine. To appear in the Search Engine Result Page (SERP), your articles must be indexed in the search engine.

  1. Social Bookmarking

You can create an account in the name of blog on all social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. You can also create a page or group on this in the name of blog. Whenever a new article is published, share it on your page and group. This gives good traffic instantly.

  1. Blog Submission

Blog Submission is an Off Page SEO Technique, which helps in increasing the ranking of your blog. With this the blog gets Quality Backlink. For this, write a good article and share it on Top Blogging Sites.

  1. Directory Submission

Web Directory contains a collection of websites which are categories. And divides into subcategories. In this you can submit your blog, so that Google can easily understand your blog and improve the rank of your blog.

  1. Classified Submission

Classified Submission is also a good Off Page SEO Technique. You can run ads on the website of Classified Submission based on a particular category and location and increase the traffic of your blog.

  1. Blog Commenting

You can make a good comment on other popular blogs related to your niche and put the link of your blog in the comment, this gives you a good backlink for your blog.

  1. Guest Blogging

You can do guest posting on blogs related to the niche of your blog. This will give you a good Dofollow Backlink.

  1. Question & Answering Sites

You can create your account on Question Answer Sites like Quora, Google Question Hub etc. After that, search for related questions from the niche of your blog and answer them and add the link of your website along with it. This also gives a good backlink.

  1. Document Submission

There are some Document Submission Websites, where you can submit your article or important things by making a PDF and can also add the link of your blog and create a backlink from here also.

  1. Image Submission

Image Submission is an Off Page SEO Technique, in which you have to share the images of your blog on other Image Submission Sites. This provides a good backlink to your blog and increases traffic to your blog.

  1. Web 2.0 Submission

In Web 2.0 Submission, you can publish articles by creating a blog with Subdomain. You can also add the link of your blog in your article and create a good backlink.

  1. Profile Creation

For profile creation, you get some websites, in which you can create your profile. Along with creating a profile, you can also add a link to your blog, which gives you a profile backlink. This gives good ranking in search results and good organic and referral traffic is available here.

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO is used to target local audience. In this, your blog is optimized in such a way that only the audience of a particular area sees your article.

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is helpful in crawling your blog and increasing user experience. This technique keeps changing and improving with time.

Some major Technical SEO are given below.

  1. Submit Sitemap

Sitemap is the map of our blog. With its help, Google Crawler easily crawls and indexes your blog. Therefore, it is very important to create a Sitemap of your blog and submit it.

  1. Robots.txt File

Through Robots.txt, search engines come to know which pages in a blog should be crawled and which should not be crawled. Therefore, it is very important to have this file in your blog.

  1. Canonical Issue

Many times it happens that different URLs are created for one webpage of the blog, due to which the search engine considers all those URLs as different URLs, Google does not know which URL to index and which not. This creates the problem of duplicate content, which is known as Canonical Issue. Canonical Tag is used to overcome this problem.

  1. Broken Link

Many times, a broken link is created on your blog, due to which whenever a user clicks on that link, an error of “Page Not Found” appears, therefore, we should detect the broken link on our blog and fix it.

  1. SSL Certificate

SSL Certificate is a data file, which is uploaded to the Web Server of your website. It makes data communication between the web server and user of your website secure.

SEM – Search Engine Marketing

This is a paid and inorganic way to show your website in the search results of search engines. Under this, an Ads campaign is run by investing money, due to which your website appears on the top in the search engine. The traffic generated by this is Inorganic Traffic.

Difference Between SEO and SEM

Through SEO you optimize your website according to the search engine. This is a free and organic way to improve the search results of a website. Whereas SEM is a paid and inorganic way to improve the search results of your website in search engines. Ads campaign is run by investing money in it, through which you show your website at the top in the search results.


In this article you learned what is SEO and how it is done. SEO is very important to improve the ranking of the blog, so along with improving the content of your article, you should also pay attention to the SEO of your blog. We hope you liked this information about what is SEO and Benefit of SEO. Thanks for reading this article till the end.

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