What is Backlink And How to Create High Quality Backlink?


Backlink is necessary to rank your blog in Google. If you have a backlink of a good website, then Google gives good rank to your blog. If you want to know what is Backlink and how to create high quality backlink for your blog, then read this article till the end.

What is Backlink?

What is Backlink
Image Credits: pixabay

When you place a link to your blog on another website, that link is called a backlink to your blog. It helps in ranking your blog in Google. When you get a backlink to your blog from a good website, then Google gives a good rank to your website. Backlink is made up of two words, Back + Link Back means back and Link means the link you use in your blog. This link is not on our blog but on some other website and it helps in the growth of your blog.

Terms Related to Backlink

  • Link Juice

When a link to another website is placed on one website, a link flow occurs between the two websites, this link flow is called link juice. This Link Juice helps in ranking your article and also increases the Domain Authority of your blog.

  • High Quality Backlink

High Quality Backlink is a backlink received from a popular website. If you get a backlink from a good website, Google gives a good rank to your website. For this, it is also important that the website from which you are getting backlinks should be related to your niche. For example, if your blog is related to technology, then you should create backlinks from popular websites related to technology.

  • Low Quality Backlink

Backlink coming from wrong sites or spam sites is called low quality backlink, it always harms your blog, so while creating backlink, keep in mind that backlink should be created from a good site.

  • External Link or Outbound Link

The link to any other website present on your website is called External Link or Outbound Link. This is also important for ranking of any website. This external link is called backlink for another blog.

  • Internal Link

When we link another article in one article of our blog, then that link is called Internal Link. It is also used to increase the traffic of the blog. If one of your articles is getting good traffic, then you can put a link to another article in that article, due to this good traffic starts coming to other articles also.

  • Backlink Profile

Every website has a Backlink Profile, which shows from which website it has got a backlink and what type of backlink it has got. Backlink Profile is very important for ranking any website in Google. If your website gets a backlink from a good website, then the rank of your website also increases in the eyes of Google.

  • Link Building

If you get a backlink for your blog from a good website, then Google gives good rank to your blog, hence people pay attention to creating backlinks to rank their blog. For this, people contact other blogs related to their niche for guest posts and comment on the articles of their blogs. This process of creating backlinks is called Link Building.

Types of Backlink

Types of Backlink
Types of Backlink Image Credits: Pixabay

There are four types of backlinks

  1. Dofollow Backlink

By Default all backlinks are Dofollow Backlinks. This affects the ranking of your website. Link Juice Pass occurs in this type of backlink and Google comes to know that the website being given backlink is a good site.

Attribution of a Dofollow Backlink happens like this.

<a href=”websitelink.com”>Link Text</a>

  1. Nofollow Backlink

When “Nofollow” attribution is used in a backlink, it is called Nofollow Backlink. It does not pass link juice from one website to another, hence it has no value in search engines.

One advantage of this is that if there are some such links in your website which may cause some harm to your website, but it is necessary to include that link in your website, then you can put Nofollow Attribution in such links. Is. By applying Nofollow Attribution, Google does not follow that backlink and there is no harm to your website because of that link.

Attribution of Nofollow Backlink happens in this way.

<a href=”websitelink.com” rel=”nofollow”>Link Text</a>

  1. Sponsored Backlink

Backlink created from any kind of Sponsored Link like – Affiliate Link, Guest Post etc. is called Sponsored Backlink. “Sponsored” attribution is used in this. If you are promoting the products or services of any company, then you should give Sponsored Backlink instead of Dofollow Backlink.

Attribution of Sponsored Backlink is like this

<a href=”websitelink.com” rel=”Sponsored”>Link Text</a>

  1. UGC Backlink

User Generated Content is the full form of UGC, and it was launched by Google in September 2019. Its main objective is to isolate the links created on social media sites. This type of backlink is generated by the user, like when a user creates a backlink by commenting on a website, then that backlink comes under UGC Backlink.

Attribution of UGC Backlink happens in this way.

<a href=”websitelink.com” rel=”ugc “>Link Text</a>

How to Create High Quality Backlink

How to create high quality backlink
How to create high quality backlink Image Credits: Pixabay

After understanding what is Backlink, how many types are there, we should know how to create High Quality Backlink for our blog. There are many ways to create high quality backlinks, some of the most important ones are given below.

  1. By Writing Quality Content

You write quality content for your blog, so that people like your article and they get to learn something. If people find your article valuable, then people themselves will want to link to your article in their blog. In this way your blog will automatically rank in search engines. This is the best way to create backlinks.

  1. By Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging is a good way to create backlinks, the backlink received from this is dofollow backlink. When you write a guest post for a blog, you can also include a link to your blog in that article, so that you get a good backlink from that blog. You can contact other popular blogs related to your niche for guest posts.

  1. By Commenting on Other Blogs

By leaving a good comment on the article of another blog related to your niche, you can also link to your blog, which will give you a good backlink. The backlink received in this way is Nofollow Backlink, but this Backlink is very beneficial for our blog.

  1. Place The Link of Your Blog in Socila Media Account

Create an account for your blog on all Socila Media Sites and add the link of your blog in your social media account. You also get a backlink from this, the backlink received from this is UGC backlink.

  1. Through Blog Submission

There are some websites where you can submit your blog. For this, first you have to create your account in these websites and then you can submit your blog in it and also add the link of your blog. In this way you get a good backlink.

  1. Through Social Bookmarking

You can also get a good backlink through social bookmarking. You can share the link of your blog on any social media platform or any web page. You can bookmark your blog on any social bookmarking site, this gives you a good backlink. For this, first you have to create your account on these websites, after that you can add the link of your website in it.

  1. Through Forum Website

Forum website is a website where people answer questions. Like – Quora and Google Question Hub etc., you can search and answer questions related to your blog on these forum websites and put a link to your blog in your answer. In this way, traffic starts coming to your blog from the forum and you also get a backlink. The backlink received from the forum is Nofollow Backlink.

  1. By Sharing PDF Document

You can create and share a PDF file in the Document Sharing Website and put a link to your blog in it. In this way you can also create backlink by sharing PDF.

  1. By Creating a YouTube Channel

You can create a Youtube Channel for your blog and put the link of your blog in the About Us section of your Youtube Channel, this gives you a good backlink.

  1. By Detecting Broken Links of Other Websites

You can find out the broken links of other websites and mail them to their owner and in return you can request for a backlink.


In this article you learned what is Backlink, why is it important for a blog, how to create high quality backlink for your blog. How did you like this information? Do tell us by commenting and if you like it then share it with other people also.

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