6 Features That Compel You To Get An App Similar To Spotify


Almost everybody has a Spotify account and vibes all day. Why do you think millions of people use this music app? well, if the app has millions and billions of active users and more than a million downloads, then you can simply guess the reason why.

The foremost reason is that this music app has such amazing features making it stand out in the crowd. Furthermore, not just the features but the app has an interactive UI design enhancing its user experience.

However, there is one thing that’s a concern here; its subscription fees. So, what music lovers are demanding is to create an app like Spotify that doesn’t charge high and has equally amazing features like it.

So, the blog will cover all those features that have made Spotify a much-hyped music streaming app.

These Are The Most Loved Features Of Spotify App


1.      Radio Playlist

We usually love to listen to songs on repeat, there can be many reasons behind that; maybe the music has some sort of memory attached and associated that you want to be reminded of, or maybe the music hits and matches your vibes.

However, at times we get bored of it and want to listen to songs that are the same as that song. So, that is why this is one of the most loved features of all. It allows you to listen to songs that have similar genres and have the same feel.

So, you do not have to search for songs, instead, the Radio playlist is created allowing you to listen to as many similar songs without having to search.

2.      Find The Artist’s Best Songs

You love some specific artist and only want to listen to songs sung by them. This feature will allow you to search and explore new albums and singles released by them. So, how great is that, integrating this feature will allow music lovers to save time and listen to what their heart wishes for.

3.      Voice Commands

You must have heard about Alexa and Siri; both of these can be integrated with Spotify. So, creating an app that allows users to set up their Voice Commands to play music.

After all, you cannot always hold the phone, you can simply command it and play the music you want to listen to.

4.      Create A Blended Playlist With Friends

Create a playlist with your friend and vibe on the same songs. Developers have kept this feature in mind when creating an app similar to Spotify. This will allow people to share music both the friends like. Also, they no longer need to share their names, ask what song they are currently listening to, and ask to share links.

5.      Save Music For Later

Another feature that app developers have kept in mind is to add an offline mode. This helps when there is no internet connection available. There are times when users do not have Wi-Fi or maybe it’s not connecting. So, why wait for it to be available, just save the ones you want to listen to or usually vibe to all the time, and make the most of offline mode.

6.      Car Mode

Vibing to music in the car is something different, there is a whole concert going on. Let’s say you are going on a long trip, and now you cannot use the phone to use the app again and again.

The car mode will be added to the music app which is similar to Spotify. Now, you can listen to music in car mode it has an easy and smart user interface.

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